Monday, December 10, 2012
Chocolate Chip Meltaway Cookies (Egg-Free)
Friday, December 7, 2012
Oreo Truffles
Monday, December 3, 2012
Perfect Egg-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Butterfly Nursery
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Angry Birds Themed Bedroom
Here are the before pictures:

Thanks to the input of my daughter and my husband we have a fairly interesting mural, that only took two months to finish (thanks to my baby and other projects)! Thank goodness this painting will last longer than a few months. If she gets bored with it in the next year or two she's just going to have to deal with it. Next project please!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Super Mario Brothers Themed Room
The only problem I found with the stickers is that the slanted walls have more texture, so they didn't stick well. I'm still trying to resolve the issue. I tried super glue, which worked on the smaller stickers, but the jumbo Mario made a giant mess. I will try Modge Podge next. If you have any other ideas I'd love to hear them!
Super Mario Brothers Clouds
Friday, July 27, 2012
Super Mario Brother's Themed Bedroom: Hills
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Communication is the Key to Good Business
I've run my own business for 12 years and know how the little guy feels. It's hard to start a new business, attract customers, stay dedicated and make it work. The biggest lesson we learn is that we make mistakes along the way. I feel sorry for the customers I had to practice on and make mistakes with. But as of today I've reached the top 2% of my company twice, earned four free cars, and in my best month earned over $5,000 in commisisons (not to mention the $1000 in sales). So I'd say I'd done pretty well, not to say I'm the best expert around, but I started at ground zero with no experience in sales and have learned quite a few lessons through personal experience, training, and through other's experiences. Plus my customers love me because I know how to treat them right.
This past week I was reminded of one of the most important lessons you must learn early and quickly to stay in business, especially in this day and age where Facebook and Twitter run our lives: Communication.
I hired a new businessman and his crew to come clean my windows, window screens and aerate my lawn. They did a quick 5 minute estimate and set me up for the next day at 3:00. They were 2 1/2 hours late for their initial appointment. I would have been happy to reschedule for another day, but every time I called they told me they were on their way. So I was late for a movie with my husband that night. I had to leave before they were finished and the result was a very bad, rushed job. After that they literally wasted 24 hours of my life waiting on appointments for the crew to come fix it. Had they communicated in the first place I may still be a happy customer, but instead I posted on my neighborhood Facebook page not to hire the crew, which may or may not have ruined the start of this businessman's company. I really don't like my time being wasted I suppose.
So I guess in the case of the Simpsons I feel bad that all too often I have that mindset that I shop at places that are usually nice looking, well-stocked (this will be a future blog), and have a good reputation. Places that probably don't need my business as much. I really WANT to help the little guy--really I do! But, there's a reason the big companies that look nice are where they are--that is: reliability and good communication. A word to the little guy: make me want to work with you! Communicate with me if there's a problem, if you know you did something wrong, if the dirt is too dry to aerate, if your car broke down on the side of the road and you're going to have to reschedule. Don't make me call you. If I call you, then you've lost credibility in my eyes. I can't trust you. If I can't trust you, I won't hire you and within seconds I'll tell all of the people I know not to hire you. Communication is key!
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Time Management
I was in a good routine for about 12 years. (Potential exercise) In Mary Kay they had us write down our goals for 20 years from now, 15 years, 10 years, 5 years, and 1 year. Then we broke down, based on our 10 year goals, what ratio of our lives would be dedicated to which of our goals (mine: family 30%, business 15%, education 10%, spiritual 20% writing 20%, vacation 5%). Then I broke down my activities for the previous day. We worked out how much of what we did was related to our 10 year goals. Based on 16 hours of productive time in the day, how much of that time did we spend working on something relating to our goals. You're doing good when 70% of your daily activity relates back to your goal. Well mine, at the time, was 89%! Looking at my schedule yesterday, I don't think I could say the same. So what happened? Well, change happened. My life is so different than before and since my life has changed my schedule needs to change too. My 12 years of time management training has kicked in and I've become reinvigorated. I can tell already (since 11am today) that I'm becoming more productive and thought I'd share!
Question for you: What would you want to accomplish in a day to make you super happy and productive? Be generic but plan it out hour by hour, minute by minute, etc.
Perfect Day Schedule
11:45-12:30 Study Writing/Feed Baby
12:30-1:00 Lunch/Errands
1:00-1:30 House Project/Errands
1:30-3:30 Writing/Feed Baby
3:30-3:45 Clean
3:45-4:30 Kids/Snack/Homework
4:30-6:00 Project/Kids
6:00-6:30 Make Dinner/Feed Baby
6:30-7:30 Eat/Family
7:30-8:30 Read a book
8:30-9:00 Kid's Bedtime
9:00-10:30 Project (Computer Related)/Feed Baby
10:30 Baby Bedtime
10:30-11:30 Project/Hubbie time
11:30-12:00 Get ready for bed
12:00 Bedtime
You'd be surprised at how freeing it will be to have one of these, and even how much fun it is to plan out! I was so excited, I had to mentally stop myself from jumping up and down as I was counting and scribbling in the waiting room of the mechanic shop. I got so caught up that my 9 month old daughter squirmed out of her car seat without me noticing (no, she is not yet crawling).
Of course the "projects" are broad and can be related to business, writing, home, school, or church activities (ex. decorate, clean, garden, paint, scrapbook, fill orders, scout training, email someone, enroll kids in extra curricular activities, call customers, blog, organizing, etc) and I have a daily task list that I fill out (Astrid app on the Android lets me categorize my tasks, so when that time slot comes up I just click on my list related to that slot and start with my Red Priority tasks-SO EASY) so I know what to do when the time comes. No more, "Nap time! I have 20 minutes to actually get something done!? What to do... what to do..."
SO, what are you waiting for? Get out a blank piece of paper and list out the things you'd like to accomplish in a day. Break it down into time slots, accounting for even the little things. The first go-around may be kind of messy. When you're done, re-write it and post it--somewhere that you can refer to it often (I've put mine in a Google Doc so I can refer to it from my computer or my cell phone depending on where I am). You can even print it out and laminate it if you want. Then you can mark it off as the day progresses with a dry erase marker (surprisingly rewarding).
In Mary Kay they also teach us to fill out a 6 most important things list. You write out the 6 most important things that need to be done the next day. You fill it out before you go to bed at night. This is so helpful! Also if you need to call someone or some place, write down the number while you're making your list and the likelihood of calling increases dramatically!
Obviously not every day will fit into this schedule, but having the schedule will mean that more often than not, you'll be able to have your perfect day. Yay for happiness and productivity!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Hard Choices
I cannot begin to tell you how good it feels to make a hard choice. Most of us think that making decisions is hard and painful, but I've realized that it's the indecision that is painful. The war that drags on in our head: Do I or don't I? It's almost impossible to get past. I have been in a war myself for the past 5 years, but suddenly I sat down and made the choice. That in and of itself has freed my mind, given me a passion, helped me see the possibilities. Now, the sky is the limit! The ghost of my prior self is floating to Heaven (luckily I don't have to pay for this kind of funeral) and my eyes are open. I feel like a kid on a roller coaster, a bird coasting on a gust of wind, a blind woman gaining her sight. It's miraculous and wonderful. What decision have you been putting off? What "shoulds" are on your list? Get up and make the choice. Either do it or don't. You are in charge of your life. Let go of the guilt and pain of indecision. Make that hard choice and LIVE THE LIFE YOU CHOOSE!